Kung Fu Junkie

Kung Fu Junkie - Flowerz In My Brain

Kung Fu Junkie- Summer in the sky

Kung Fu Junkie - Didxans Gelodi

Kung Fu Junkie - Dark Odyssey

Kung Fu Junkie - Any1

Chinese Girl

Dance 2 The Light

Junkie Walk

Go Boyz! [Bonus Track]

Kung Fu Junkie - dcqc#


TrippyBoy / Kung Fu Junkie - Maggi

Flowerz In My Brain

Kung Fu Junkie - Biorobot / Био Robot (Acoustic)

Genetic Code


Schedule of the Falling Stars

Kung Fu Junkie - Chinese Girl

Summer In The Sky

Kung Fu Junkie - Flowerz in My Brain (Lyrics video)

BioRobot (Acoustic)